IJA-ERA welcome the proposals to publish the Special Issue on advanced engineering science and technology research topics listed under the AIM & SCOPE of IJA-ERA. Publication on any other special research area may also be processed through the consent of editorial board members of IJA-ERA.

The filled in proposal form can be send to the Editor-in-Chief at editor@www.ijaera.org

Download: Special Issue Proposal Form

Published: Volume 4, Issue 5, September – 2018

  • Special Issue: Advanced Design and Optimization Techniques in Engineering Application
  • Guest Editor: Prof. V. K. Khemnar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sir Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology, Nashik

Coming Soon…

  • “Special Issue on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering Research”

Coming Soon…

  • “Special Issue on Meta-heuristics” 

Coming Soon…

  • “Special Issue on Advancements in Composite Materials”